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Information, Advice or Guidance Level 2

Information, Advice Or Guidance Level 2
  • Length 12 Weeks
  • Study Online Learning
  • Location Online

Qualification Gained

Level 2 certificate in Information, Advice or Guidance NCFE Cache

Levels Explained

More about the course

The world of business has changed and today, globalisation is the new normal. Whether you want to set up your own business, understand business improvement techniques or improve your customer service skills, we have an online course for you.

Offering clear and accurate information, advice or guidance and knowing what can be shared legally and professionally can greatly improve outcomes for a business. There are some fundamental rules for successful information sharing and ensuring staff are aware of these is key.

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What can I do with a qualification in Business?

Daily tasks:

  • Assesses and advises on factors affecting business performance.
  • Determines staffing levels appropriate for accounting activities.
  • Plans external and internal audit programmes, arranges for the collection and analysis of accounting, budgetary and related information, and manages the company.
  • Participates in the formulation of strategic and long-term business plans, assesses the implications for the organisation financial mechanisms and oversees their implementation.

Median Salary

£57,087 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Stays abreast of and ensures adherence to relevant legislation regarding tendering and procurement procedures.
  • Researches and identifies new products and suppliers.
  • Interviews suppliers.
  • Arranges for quality checks of incoming goods and ensures suppliers deliver on time.
  • Negotiates prices and contracts with suppliers and draws up contract documents.
  • Devises purchasing policies, decides on whether orders should be put out to tender and evaluates suppliers.
  • Determines what goods, services and equipment need to be sourced.

Median Salary

£45,938 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Stays abreast of relevant legislation, considers its impact on the organisation.
  • Considers alternative work procedures to improve productivity.
  • Examines and reports on company and departmental structures, chains of command, information flows, etc. and evaluates efficiency of existing operations.
  • Develops and administers salary, health and safety and promotion policies.
  • Undertakes industrial relations negotiations with employees.
  • Provides or arranges for provision of training courses.
  • Oversees the monitoring of employee performance and career development needs.
  • Oversees the preparation of job descriptions, drafts advertisements and interviews candidates.
  • Determines staffing needs.

Median Salary

£44,202 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Examines quality of merchandise and ensures that effective use is made of advertising and display facilities.
  • Authorises payment for supplies received and decides on vending price, discount rates and credit terms.
  • Oversees the maintenance of financial and other records and controls security arrangements for the premises.
  • Ensures customer complaints and queries regarding sales and service are appropriately handled.
  • Ensures that adequate reserves of merchandise are held and that stock keeping is carried out efficiently.
  • Liaises with other staff to provide information about merchandise, special promotions etc. to customers.
  • Appoints staff, assigns tasks and monitors and reviews staff performance.

Median Salary

£27,611 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Carries out research into aspects of the natural world.
  • Prepares applications for funding to other organisations, and assessing applications for funding from other organisations.
  • Promotes conservation issues via educational talks, displays, workshops and literature and liaison with the media.
  • Maintains and develops knowledge in relevant policy areas within a national and European legislative context.
  • Liaises with other groups in the selection and maintenance of the Protected Site System including Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Ramsar sites, and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and National Nature Reserves (NNRs).
  • Provides advice and information to government at national and local levels, clients, landowners, planners and developers to facilitate the protection of the natural environment.
  • Implements, evaluates and monitors schemes for the management and protection of natural habitats.
  • Carries out environmental impact assessments and field surveys.
  • Promotes and implements local and national biodiversity action plans, particularly with regard to threatened species and habitats.

Median Salary

£30,492 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Provides professional guidance to clients, government agencies, regulators and other relevant bodies, having regard for sustainable approaches and solutions.
  • Implements, reviews and advises on regulatory and legislative standards, guidelines and policies.
  • Assists organisations to conduct their activities in an environmentally appropriate manner.
  • Communicates scientific and technical information to relevant audiences in an appropriate form, via reports, workshops, educational events, public hearings.
  • Carries out environmental audits and environmental impact assessments.
  • Carries out environment-related desk-based research and fieldwork to collect, analyse and interpret data to determine their validity, quality and significance.
  • Implements remediation works.
  • Advises on and provides solutions for mitigating the effects of such contamination.
  • Identifies contamination of land, air or water and assesses any adverse impact on the environment.

Median Salary

£35,619 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Monitors the standards of scientific and technical research undertaken by the research team.
  • Plans work schedules, assigns tasks and delegates responsibilities to the research and development team.
  • Develops research methodology, implements and reports upon research investigations undertaken.
  • Liaises with production departments to investigate and resolve manufacturing problems.
  • Establishes product design and performance objectives in consultation with other business functions.

Median Salary

£44,639 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Runs workshops, and addresses seminars, conferences and the media to present results of research activity or to express professional views.
  • Advises governments, commercial enterprises, organisations and other clients in light of research findings.
  • Determines the appropriate method of data collection and research methodology, analyses and interprets information gained and formulates and implements recommendations and solutions.
  • Identifies problems concerned with business strategy, policy, organisation, procedures, methods and markets.
  • Assesses the functions, objectives and requirements of the organisation seeking advice.

Median Salary

£43,500 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Reports regularly on progress to the client or to senior managers.
  • Ensures that each stage of the project is progressing on time, on budget and to the right quality standards.
  • Negotiates with contractors and suppliers for materials and services.
  • Selects and leads a project team.
  • Draws up a detailed plan for how to achieve each stage of the project.
  • Agrees timescales, costs and resources needed.
  • Finds out what the client or company wants to achieve.

Median Salary

£48,999 View more

Daily tasks:

  • Deals with copyright issues and negotiates fees.
  • Liaises with client on the appropriate image/s to be used.
  • Researches images for clients in a wide range of media using specialist picture libraries and archives, museums, galleries etc., or commissions new images.
  • Presents findings in the required format, via written reports or presentations.
  • Provides support to criminal intelligence or to military or other security operations by gathering and verifying intelligence data and sources.
  • Provides administrative support for programme development such as booking facilities.
  • Briefs presenters, scriptwriters or journalists as required via verbal or written reports.
  • Research sources for accurate factual material, finds suitable contributors to programmes or print features and deals with any copyright issues.
  • Liaises with production team to generate and develop ideas for film, television and radio programmes.

Median Salary

£34,597 View more
