Safeguarding and Wellbeing
At West Lancashire College, we understand that all aspects of health are key factors towards your success during your time with us.
We also understand that, at times, students' wellbeing can be affected by a variety of issues, which may mean that you are unable to enjoy the full learner experience at college.
If you have a safeguarding issue to report or need to speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team, please contact 07423438302 / SafeguardingWLC@westlancs.ac.uk during college hours.
Outside of these hours, further support information can be found below.
If you are worried about the safety and welfare of a young person under 18 or a vulnerable adult 18+, you can contact Lancashire Safeguarding on 0300 123 6720 (0300 123 6722 5pm to 8am).
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, dial 999.

Positive Mental Health Strategies
There are many positive strategies that can be used when you are possibly feeling a little anxious or overwhelmed. This can be as simple as going for a walk, listening to some music or mindfulness. Simply talking to someone can often help so please get in touch with the Wellbeing Team.
Support Services
Our students' wellbeing can be affected by a variety of issues, which may mean that you are unable to enjoy the full learner experience at college. The Wellbeing team is here to offer support and guidance at any time. Further information and support out of hours can be found below.
Operation Encompass
West Lancashire College takes part in Operation Encompass, which is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools and colleges to offer immediate support to children and young people experiencing and / or witnessing domestic abuse.
The college’s Key Adult (Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) will be notified by the police prior to the start of the next college day after an incident of domestic abuse that has been attended by the police. The information is supplied in confidence and enables the college to effectively provide support to the young person(s).
Care Experienced Students
Students who have been in care face a number of additional challenges, so we work in partnership with carers, social workers and other professionals to put a plan in place that will give them the support they need. Each care-experienced student at the College is supported by a designated staff member (Julie-Ann or Trudy) and a Personal Education Plan (PEP).
West Lancashire College is aware of and understands the challenges that care experienced students face. Although we may never know what happened in their life prior to college we work hard to make every student feel supported and part of a community.
We are a partner of the Care Leavers Covenant, which helps support students with their progression and next steps after college. Through this partnership, our dedicated Care Leaver Coordinator organises activities and signposts opportunities in the local area. They also run workshops throughout the year for care experienced students, provide progression and support during exam time and organise events to help students meet other care experienced individuals.
Further information for Care Experienced students going to university can be found on the UCAS Care Experienced page.

Our website contains links to websites owned and operated by third parties. If you use these links, you leave our website. These links are provided for your information and convenience only and are not an endorsement by West Lancashire College of the content of such linked websites or third-party services. West Lancashire College has no control of the content of any linked website and is not responsible for these websites or their content or availability.