Understanding Mental Health Level 3

- Length 16 Weeks
- Study Online Learning
- Location Online
More about the course
There are thousands of jobs within the Health and Social Care sector and with skills shortages reported by health care providers. This is only set to grow over the coming years.
This qualification is designed to increase students' knowledge and understanding of mental health and well-being, as well as support their progression into relevant employment within the Health and Social Care sector.
How often does this course run?
Start dates for this course are flexible and can be joined anytime throughout the year. Once you have made your application, one of our advisers will be in touch to discuss your preferred start date.
Entry requirements
- Level 2 qualification in Health, Care or Social Care contexts
- GCSEs at Grade A*-D (Grade 3-9)
What will I achieve?
If you successfully complete this course, you will receive a Level 3 certificate in Understanding Mental Health NCFE Cache
What will I learn?
- Mental Health legislation, services, public attitudes and how these have evolved
- How to support mental well-being through various stages of life
- Mental ill-health, treatment options available and the potential consequences of mental ill-health
- The skills required to work in a Mental Health service
How am I assessed?
Learning will take place via an online platform, you will be able to learn at a time that suits you without the need to attend college.
At the start of your course, you will be allocated a tutor who will support you through your qualification and you will be provided with all learning and assessment materials which have been specifically developed to support you in meeting the qualification requirements.
Your tutor will also provide you with written feedback on the assessments you submit as well as ongoing support through a remote tutorial.
Where can I progress?
This qualification aims to provide students with a number of progression options, including higher level studies at University or a Further Education college.
The skills required to progress to higher academic studies are different from those required at Levels 1 and 2. The Level 3 qualification enable the development of these skills.
Course costs
Course fees will be discussed at the initial enquiry stage, as most of our courses are funded dependent on individual circumstances.
Contact our team
What can I do with a qualification in Health and Social Care?
Daily tasks:
- Assesses and advises on factors affecting business performance.
- Determines staffing levels appropriate for accounting activities.
- Plans external and internal audit programmes, arranges for the collection and analysis of accounting, budgetary and related information, and manages the company.
- Participates in the formulation of strategic and long-term business plans, assesses the implications for the organisation financial mechanisms and oversees their implementation.
Daily tasks:
- Stays abreast of and ensures adherence to relevant legislation regarding tendering and procurement procedures.
- Researches and identifies new products and suppliers.
- Interviews suppliers.
- Arranges for quality checks of incoming goods and ensures suppliers deliver on time.
- Negotiates prices and contracts with suppliers and draws up contract documents.
- Devises purchasing policies, decides on whether orders should be put out to tender and evaluates suppliers.
- Determines what goods, services and equipment need to be sourced.
Daily tasks:
- Stays abreast of relevant legislation, considers its impact on the organisation.
- Considers alternative work procedures to improve productivity.
- Examines and reports on company and departmental structures, chains of command, information flows, etc. and evaluates efficiency of existing operations.
- Develops and administers salary, health and safety and promotion policies.
- Undertakes industrial relations negotiations with employees.
- Provides or arranges for provision of training courses.
- Oversees the monitoring of employee performance and career development needs.
- Oversees the preparation of job descriptions, drafts advertisements and interviews candidates.
- Determines staffing needs.
Daily tasks:
- Carries out research into aspects of the natural world.
- Prepares applications for funding to other organisations, and assessing applications for funding from other organisations.
- Promotes conservation issues via educational talks, displays, workshops and literature and liaison with the media.
- Maintains and develops knowledge in relevant policy areas within a national and European legislative context.
- Liaises with other groups in the selection and maintenance of the Protected Site System including Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Ramsar sites, and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and National Nature Reserves (NNRs).
- Provides advice and information to government at national and local levels, clients, landowners, planners and developers to facilitate the protection of the natural environment.
- Implements, evaluates and monitors schemes for the management and protection of natural habitats.
- Carries out environmental impact assessments and field surveys.
- Promotes and implements local and national biodiversity action plans, particularly with regard to threatened species and habitats.
Daily tasks:
- Provides professional guidance to clients, government agencies, regulators and other relevant bodies, having regard for sustainable approaches and solutions.
- Implements, reviews and advises on regulatory and legislative standards, guidelines and policies.
- Assists organisations to conduct their activities in an environmentally appropriate manner.
- Communicates scientific and technical information to relevant audiences in an appropriate form, via reports, workshops, educational events, public hearings.
- Carries out environmental audits and environmental impact assessments.
- Carries out environment-related desk-based research and fieldwork to collect, analyse and interpret data to determine their validity, quality and significance.
- Implements remediation works.
- Advises on and provides solutions for mitigating the effects of such contamination.
- Identifies contamination of land, air or water and assesses any adverse impact on the environment.
Daily tasks:
- Monitors the standards of scientific and technical research undertaken by the research team.
- Plans work schedules, assigns tasks and delegates responsibilities to the research and development team.
- Develops research methodology, implements and reports upon research investigations undertaken.
- Liaises with production departments to investigate and resolve manufacturing problems.
- Establishes product design and performance objectives in consultation with other business functions.
Daily tasks:
- Supervises the implementation of care and treatment plans by other healthcare providers.
- Prepares and delivers lectures, undertakes research, and conducts and participates in clinical trials.
- Refers patient to specialist where necessary and liaises with specialist.
- Supervises patient.
- Administers medical tests and inoculations against communicable diseases.
- Diagnoses condition and prescribes and/or administers appropriate treatment/surgery.
- Examines patient, arranges for any necessary x-rays or other tests and interprets results.
Daily tasks:
- Applies psychological treatment methods to help athletes achieve optimum mental health and enhance sporting performance.
- Applies professional knowledge and techniques within the workplace, addressing issues such as job design, work groups, motivation etc..
- Maintains required contacts with family members, education or other health professionals, as appropriate, and recommends possible solutions to problems presented.
- Studies psychological factors in the treatment and prevention of mental illness or emotional and personality disorders.
- Analyses the effect of hereditary, social and physical factors on thought and behaviour.
- Observes and experiments on humans and animals to measure mental and physical characteristics.
- Develops treatment and guidance methods and gives treatment or guidance using a variety of therapy and counselling techniques.
- Develops and administers tests to measure intelligence, abilities, aptitudes, etc. and assesses results.
Daily tasks:
- Ensures that drugs and medicaments are in good supply and are stored properly.
- Tests and analyses drugs to determine their identity, purity and strength.
- Liaises with other professionals regarding the development, manufacturing and testing of drugs.
- Maintains prescription files and records issue of narcotics, poisons and other habit-forming drugs.
- Checks that recommended doses are not being exceeded and that instructions are understood by patients.
- Highlights a drug.
- Advises health professionals on the selection and appropriate use of medicines.
- Prepares or directs the preparation of prescribed medicaments in liquid, powder, tablet, ointment or other form following prescriptions issued by medical doctors and other health professionals.
Daily tasks:
- Carries out research with glass and lens manufacturers.
- Refers patient to a specialist, where necessary.
- Advises patient on proper use of glasses, contact lenses and other aids, and on appropriate lighting conditions for reading and working.
- Prescribes, supplies and fits appropriate spectacle lenses, contact lenses and other aids.
- Examines eyes and tests vision of patient, identifies problems, defects, injuries and ill health.
Health and Social Care at West Lancashire College

Upcoming events

Open Event
West Lancashire College
Thursday 1st May 2025
4:30pm - 7:00pm

Parent/Carer Information Evening
West Lancashire College
Tuesday 24th June 2025
4:30pm - 7:00pm
- The level required to start the course
- The level rewarded when completing the course
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