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Read about the experiences that our students embark on whilst studying at West Lancashire College.


students at West Lancashire College

Lauren, Student


Access Student

West Lancashire College gave me the opportunity to achieve something that I never thought was possible. The Access course allowed me to change my career seamlessly. Working full time and doing an evening school was one of the most challenging times I've faced, but the support and flexibility made my journey so much easier. After what feels like 5 minutes at Edge Hill University, I have now secured a job as a Midwife and can't wait to start my new journey!

Nouhan, Art And Design Student


Art and Design Student

Studying Art at West Lancashire College helped me to generate ideas and express myself through my artwork. I would thoroughly recommend the course to someone who would like to follow a similar path. I am now studying a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design at UCLan.

Jess, Art And Design Student


Art and Design Level 3 Student

I was originally studying for three A Levels at another college before realising that I’d be happier concentrating on my Art education and moving here. So far it's been great, getting to know my classmates has helped me in developing my own personal skills as well as my artistic skills. What I like about the Art department is how there's different rooms and equipment for different kinds of art, it's just a nice little community. The whole college experience feels very mature, you have so much more independence here, and the campus itself is great in a really futuristic way.

Hanga, Art And Design Student


Art and Design Level 3 Student

I’ve really liked all the experimenting that you get to do on my Art course, taking part in workshops in such a wide range of different techniques and styles. You are able to be a lot more independent here than at high school, but you still get help if you ask for it from the tutors and from the other students as well, it's like a community. I’m progressing on to do a degree in Illustration at Sheffield Hallam University in September. I chose Illustration as it can be very flexible, I might move into illustrating books, or making concept art, in the future.

Evie, Art And Design Student


Art and Design Level 3 Student

I've really enjoyed my Art course so far, it's such a wide range of stuff we get to do, before coming here I thought that the course would be quite closed off and you’d only be able to certain things but it’s not been like that at all. It’s also very different compared to being at high school, what I didn't really like about school was how everyone had to be a certain way, here at college I feel I can be anyone I want to be.

Caitlin, Art And Design Student


Art and Design Level 3 Student

My time as an Art student has been a great experience. When I joined I didn’t have that many skills but now I'm in my second year I can see that I’ve developed the skills I wanted to, and I've met a lot of great people. As a whole it's a lovely college with a very nice atmosphere, you always have help if you need it and the facilities are really good. I'm going to university in September to do Marketing with Advertising at Edge Hill, I'm really looking forward to as it's something I didn't expect to be doing at uni. When I first came to college I thought I was going to concentrate on photography but I went to a workshop about advertising which really piqued my interest and now I know what I want to do in the future.

Hannah, Art And Design Student


Art and Design Level 3 Student

I've really enjoyed my Art course so far, it's such a wide range of stuff we get to do, before coming here I thought that the course would be quite closed off and you’d only be able to certain things but it’s not been like that at all. It’s also very different compared to being at high school, what I didn't really like about school was how everyone had to be a certain way, here at college I feel I can be anyone I want to be.

Charlie, Business Student


Business Level 3 Student

I joined West Lancashire College as it was my local college and offered the course I wanted. The course was great and my teachers worked continuously hard to help me to achieve the results I desired. The Business BTEC gave me many transferable skills and I was successfully in being accepted to study Film Studies at Edge Hill University.

Melissa, Apprentice


Business Apprentice

This apprenticeship has improved my confidence greatly. I am learning important transferable skills that will help me in my work place now and in the future. Not only has the apprenticeship helped me in my job role, but has also given me the opportunity to learn how other businesses work and take tips from them to better my own work. I feel supported by my tutor Anjuman, as she guides me through this course.

Oliver, Apprentice


Business Apprentice

I would just like to say the apprenticeship is fantastic and I am really enjoying my time here at West Lancashire College. I am learning so many new things that have helped me to not only build, but to enhance my skills towards my full time job and in life. The Apprenticeship tutor, Anjuman is so friendly and easy to get on with. She makes me feel very welcome at West Lancashire College.

Jack, Apprentice


Business Apprentice

I have been an apprentice for Building Careers UK under West Lancashire College for almost a year and I have found it to be the best path. The work I have completed for the Apprenticeship has allowed me to fully understand my role and other roles within the organisation. The support I have received from West Lancashire College and my tutor has been excellent and really pushed me towards getting the best grade possible, with a high quality of work. I would recommend this path to anyone who is unsure of where they want to go after high school or college.

Jess, Business Student


Business Level 3 Student

The Business course has been great for my future career aspirations as it has given me the UCAS points I need to be offered a place at Edge Hill University. My tutors Catherine and Ruth have been so supportive throughout my course and I am looking forward to taking my next step to university with my ultimate goal to become a Film Producer.

Lewis, Computer Science Student


Computing Level 3 Student

I thoroughly enjoyed using the software, coding units as well as how the course can progress me towards university and future jobs. I would recommend West Lancashire College to any high school student who is already thinking about their future. The facilities within the IT department are exceptional, in comparison to other educational systems and as a former student at another college, I have seen the difference. West Lancashire College is extremely supportive within a friendly and safe environment. I would highly recommend to all.

Angelo, Computer Science Student


Computer Science Level 3 Student

I’m enjoying studying Computer Science to get qualifications so that I can be accepted into a course focused on artificial intelligence at University. Artificial intelligence will shape how our society develops and how people will live their lives in the future, so having a job relating to the field will be very beneficial and is my end goal.

Kian, Computer Science Student


Computer Science Level 3 Student

My future ambitions will be linked to the course I am studying now; I want to establish myself within the fields of cybersecurity or artificial intelligence This will be possible by gaining experience in these fields through an apprenticeship at a university or by choosing a course that links both of these subjects together.

Caleb, Information Computing and Technology Level 2


Computer Science Level 2 Student

I chose the course because I’m interested in computing and how computers work, as well as playing games. I have enjoyed learning about how to make a website and HTML. The trip to Arcains in early 2023 was great.

Daniel, T Level Digital


T Level Digital Student

I chose to study the T Level Digital course as I enjoy working with computer and doing tasks such as programming and digital art. Creating Python programs by using new techniques has been my favourite element. I will be progressing to studying Game Design at Edge Hill University.

Jack, T Level Digital


T Level Digital Student

I am interested in game design and programming, as well as learning about the other aspects of IT which meant this course was the best choice. I’ve enjoyed the trip choices, the chance to go into a work environment and the course modules.

Dean - T Level Digital


T Level Digital Student

Choosing the Digital T Level was the ideal option for me as I really want to pursue a job in the IT industry. I have enjoyed all the topics that have been covered so far and the trips that we’ve been offered.

Jayden, T Level Digital


T Level Digital Student

I've always been interested in computers, so the T Level course seem perfect for me! I’ve really enjoyed the opportunities we’ve been given, such as trips to different Universities and arcades.

Dylan, Bricklaying Student


Bricklaying Level 2 Student

I chose the Bricklaying course at West Lancashire College as it will help me in aiming towards an Apprenticeship in the industry. It is a fantastic hands-on, practical course which I am really enjoying. Alan has been a fantastic tutor throughout my time here and I am very grateful for his dedication to seeing students thrive.

Owen, Bricklaying Student


Bricklaying Level 2 Student

I am due to complete my Level 2 course in Bricklaying, where I’ve successfully completed my practical units in line with the construction standards, as well as completing my Health and Safety and Principles of Building City & Guilds online exams in which I earned a distinction grade. The support at West Lancashire College has been amazing; my tutor Alan is always there to support me and my classmates with all elements of the course. I am hoping to find an Apprenticeship or progress onto the Level 3 Bricklaying course.

Carla, Carpentry and Joinery Student


Carpentry and Joinery Level 2 Student

I am a Carpentry and Joinery Level 2 student at West Lancashire College, where I am learning about the welfare in construction, as well as the principles of building construction. I am thoroughly enjoying the course as it’s fun and something a little bit different for me. My future will consist of going into a full time job where I can put my valuable Carpentry and Joinery skills to the test.

Mollie, Plumbing Student


Plumbing Level 2 Student

I am currently studying the Level 2 Plumbing course at West Lancashire College and I chose this as I wanted to be different, to take my career in a direction that nobody else would choose for me. I have applied to be an Apprentice with the college in the near future, which I am really looking forward to. Amanda Maddocks has been fantastic with helping me to apply and has offered a lot of advice for the future.

Jess, Early Years Education Student


Early Years Practitioner Level 2 student

I chose West Lancashire College as it offered the course I wanted to take and was also my local college. I gained so much work experience on my programme and I really enjoyed my placement at St Richard’s Primary School. My tutors, Mell and Kerrie were beyond amazing and were so supportive. I have progressed onto studying Primary Education with QTS at Edge Hill University.

Ben, Early Years Education Student


Early Years Practitioner Level 2 Student

I chose West Lancashire College because it offered the course I wanted to take and is my local college. I have gained so much work experience on my programme and I am currently on placement at St Richard’s Primary School, which I love. My tutors are beyond amazing and have been so supportive. After I complete my course, I want to go on to study a BA in Primary Education with QTS.

Caitlin, T Level Early Years Student


Early Years Educator Level 3

I chose to study the T Level Early Years Education course because I’ve always had a passion for working in the childcare sector. I have really enjoyed my placement as I’ve been able to put knowledge that I’ve learnt in college into practice.

Aimee, T Level Early Years Student


Early Years Educator Level 3

I chose to study the T Level Early Years Education course because I have an interest in the industry and really enjoyed my Year 10 placement in a nursery. I’ve loved the enrichment and creative activities.

Maddison, T Level Early Years Student


Early Years Educator Level 3

I chose to study the T Level Early Years Education course because I want to become a nursery teacher to help them develop. I’ve enjoyed my placement and the JJ Effect guest speaker was very inspirational.

Tia, T Level Early Years Student


Early Years Educator Level 3

I chose to study the T Level Early Years Education course because I would like to work with children in the future, either in a nursery or being a childminder/nanny. I enjoyed my placement as I find the practical side to be extremely fun and interesting.

Fay, Engineering Student


Engineering Technology Level 3 Student

Within my course, we covered many core units and in particular, Mathematics for Engineering Technicians was a personal favourite of mine. My career ambition is to become an architect, in which the Engineering course prepared me for my next steps into a Civil Engineering career and applying for universities.

Grace, Engineering Student


Engineering Level 2 Student

I chose to study Engineering, as my family are very passionate about the subject and I really enjoyed learning about the topic in high school, so I wanted to continue studying whilst at West Lancs. My favourite part is the workshop, where we create a variety of projects including a Plunbob. My next steps are an Apprenticeship with an Engineering company in Wigan and once I have completed that, I would like to aim towards being a project leader or a manager.

Ciaran, Engineering


Engineering Level 3 Student

I have an interest in Aerospace Engineering and it is a good area of work for my career. I have enjoyed learning about materials and metal properties, as well as the Maths element.

Mikey, Engineering Student


Engineering Level 3 Student

After enjoying my Engineering course in high school, I decided to continue by studying the Level 3 course at West Lancashire College. I’m really looking forward to visiting Austria in Summer 2024 with my classmates.

Richard, Engineering Student


Engineering Level 3 Student

I chose the Engineering Level 3 course because I have an interest in the industry. The other students on my course are great and the Sellafield job opportunities are amazing.

Ryan, Engineering Student


Engineering Level 3 Student

I chose this course to discover the type of Engineering job that I would like to embark on in the future. The tutors are amazing! I’ve really enjoyed the CAD and materials elements of the course.

Natascha, Hairdressing Student


Hairdressing Level 2 Student

I am currently studying the Level 2 Hairdressing course at West Lancashire College, where I am really enjoying learning new skills that I never thought I would have. Both of my tutors, Emma and Alison, have supported me throughout and they have shown me how to conquer my fears and my ‘I can’t do it’ frame of mind. I was selected to take part in a Creative Hair Team within my course and since being in that team, my skills have improved more and more. I am excited to see what my future in the Hairdressing industry looks like.

Maisie, Hairdressing Student


Hairdressing Level 2 Student

I chose to study on the Level 2 Hairdressing course as you are able to be creative, whilst you learn. My tutors are very supportive and have helped to me progress, as well as gain confidence in all aspects of the course. At the start of the year, I was selected to be part of the Creative Hair Team and because of that, I’ve seen a big improvement in myself and the hairdressing skills that I have. In the future, after completing Level 3, I would like to work in a salon and eventually have my own business.

Lilly-Mae, Beauty Therapy Student


Beauty Therapy Level 2 Student

I am currently studying the Beauty Therapy Level 2 at West Lancashire College. My teachers Claire and Sam are excellent and they’re extremely very caring towards their students. I will be moving onto Level 3 in September, as well as getting a placement in the industry. My goal is to work on cruise ships, which my course is helping me work towards.

Sophie, Beauty Therapy


Beauty Therapy Level 2 Student

I chose to study Beauty Therapy because I really enjoy the topics that the course offers. The practical elements of the course are what I really enjoy the most, as I can see where to improve my skills. The support that I receive from my tutor’s is great. In the future, I would like to work in a salon.

Emily, T Level Health


Supporting The Adult Nursing Team Level 3

I chose to study on the T Level Health course as it offers me a lot of exciting experiences and opportunities. The work experience that I’m conducted has definitely been my favourite element. I am hoping to do a Nursing Apprenticeship after my T Level.

Eva, T Level Health


Supporting The Adult Nursing Team Level 3

The course offers me a lot of experiences and I found it to be very interesting. Carol, the course tutor has made the course extremely enjoyable. I’ve loved hearing about her own experience in the nursing industry.

Kiera, T Level Health


Supporting The Adult Nursing Team Level 3

I chose to study on the T Level Health course as it is the ideal route for me to take to become a Nurse. The industry placement has been my favourite element, as it’s given me a lot of opportunity to grow and develop my skills.

Maddy, T Level Health


Supporting The Adult Nursing Team Level 3

The opportunity in different environments was the reason I chose to study the Health T Level course. Working with nurses has really opened my eyes and been my favourite part, as I’ll be working with them in the future as a Paramedic.

Olivia, T Level Health


Supporting The Adult Nursing Team Level 3

I chose this course as it’s very practical and will broaden my horizon for my future health care role. I’ve really enjoyed the practical side of the course, especially the hospital wards and PPE.

Alisha, Health and Social Care Student


Health and Social Care Level 3 Student

I enjoyed learning about the different diseases, the heart in the anatomy unit, as well as aspects within public health, such as: medicines, different treatment and strategies that the government put into place to help the public. I’d recommend West Lancashire College to all high school students, as I was able to explore different careers as the tutors accommodated my learning in order to suit my interests.

Aaron, Motor Vehicle Student


Motor Vehicle Level 3 Student

As a Motor Vehicle student, I have been really enjoying the practical side of the course as its very hands on and we learn a lot from being able to work on cars. My ambition is to own my own car garage.

Oscar, Motor Vehicle Student


Motor Vehicle Level 3 Student

I chose to study Motor Vehicle, as I’ve had a long interest in cars since being a child. I have found that the subject has taught me more than I ever imagined, the tutors are superb and they really help you to be the best that you can be. My dream career would to be a master tech for Mercedes!

Diana, Public Services Student


Public Services Level 3 Student

West Lancashire College has provided me with a stable foundation, as it does for all of its students, enabling them to venture into any career or field of study that they wish to pursue. I am now studying at Edge Hill University.

Rebeca, Public Services Student


Public Services Level 3 Student

I decided to attend West Lancashire College as I had heard from a friend that it’s a good college. As I’ve always wanted to join the police force, I decided to choose Public Services, which has helped me to gain skills, knowledge and the correct behaviour into pursing my future career. The Army training and navigation walks that have been organised for the course have really helped me to understand that this is the right path for me. My next steps are attending John Moores University to study Professional Policing.

Dan, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

I chose to study at West Lancashire College as it had a course that suited me and my passion perfectly, even the personal training aspects of the course have been transferable to my coaching skills.

Mia, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

Choosing the Sports Level 3 course was easy for me as I aspire to have a career in Personal Training to involve more females in the fitness industry and to highlight that having muscles is normal. My fellow students on my course are great and I love learning about the course. The teachers are very helpful.

Adam, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

I chose to study the Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 course as I love Sports and have a strong passion of practicing outside of college. My favourite aspect has been the practical element in the gym that college has provided students with.

Caitln, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

I have wanted to pursue my passion of becoming a Sports Therapist and the Level 3 course has supported me with that. I’ve enjoyed meeting fellow Sports students and the experience that WLC has given me.

Daniel, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

My passion for Sports was the reason why I chose to study at WLC. My favourite aspect in college is delivering Sports sessions to the Inclusive Learners as part of my continuous personal development. I also like learning about different training methods for different types of Sports.

James, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

Going to Pete’s gym in Skelmersdale, conducting work experience at Gym Works and the practical side of the course have been the most enjoyable elements for me. I chose the Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 course as I have a great interest in Sports.

Reece, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

I was always passionate about Sport and I have enjoyed training other people and seeing them progress. Meeting new people and the teachers, as they have improved my confidence and overall skillset.

Tony, Sports Student


Sports and Physical Activity Level 3 Student

Choosing to study Sports at WLC was an easy choice for me as I enjoy participating in Sports. The tutors are great, the studying environment is calm and the lesson content is really interesting.

Joanne, Supported Teaching


Supported Learning and Teaching

During lockdown, I started to think deeply about my ambition of teaching children. I took the plunge to call Mell, one of the course tutors at West Lancs College. Mell made me feel at ease and I felt reassured that I was about to make the right choice. I have loved every minute of my course and especially enjoyed the theory elements. I absolutely loved my placement days, as I could start to put all the theory into practice and very quickly, I began to find my feet and I was becoming one of the EYFS team. In February, I successfully secured a full-time job at my placement school and I continue to love every minute of my job. I have been told that I am moving up to year 1 with my current class and will be teaching the class to cover the class teacher’s PPA, so I am very excited for the next chapter.